a. Introduction
Personal demand deposit refers to a service that does not specify the deposit term, and by which depositors can withdraw cash at any time with their bank cards or passbooks through the counter or the self-service device of the Bank.
b. Deposit interest rate
Interests for demand deposit in Renminbi are calculated according to the published interest rate for demand deposit of the Bank on the date of interest settlement and paid on a quarterly basis, and the 20th day of the last month of each quarter is the date of interest settlement. Interests are included into the principal for accrual of interest on the day following the date of interest settlement. If the account is cancelled prior to the date of interest settlement, interests will be calculated according to the published interest rate for demand deposit of the Bank before the date of canceling the account.
c. Functions and features
Broad coverage: Supporting the universal deposit and withdrawal nationwide.
Handy and convenient: Account of demand deposit can be set as the payment account, and the Bank thus automatically withholds and pays various expenses on an agency basis.
Flexible and simple: Deposit and withdraw at any time, use the capital flexibly with simple procedure.
Extensive customers: Applying to all of the types of customers.